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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) North American Geography Questions

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Grade 6 Canadian Geography
This area of Canada enjoys a mild climate and plenty of rainfall.
  1. The Interior Plains
  2. The Rocky Mountains
  3. The Pacific Coast
  4. The Canadian Shield and the Arctic Islands
Grade 6 US Geography
Grade 6 North American Geography
Grade 6 US Geography
What is the driest, lowest, and hottest place in the US?
  1. Shenandoah Valley
  2. Painted Desert
  3. Grand Canyon
  4. Death Valley
Grade 6 Canadian Geography
Grade 6 US Geography
Grade 6 North American Geography
Which countries are involved in NAFTA?
  1. United States, Canada, and Mexico
  2. United States, Canada, and New Mexico
  3. Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico
  4. United States, Australia, and Mexico
Grade 6 North American Geography
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