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Medical Terms Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Medical Terms
What is a pathogen?
  1. a disease that spreads from person to person.
  2. a disease of the lungs.
  3. a living thing or virus that causes disease.
  4. simple organisms that consist of one or more cells.
Continuing Education Medical Terms
                        is a general term that refers to a serious loss of mental abilities such as thinking, remembering, reasoning, and communicating.
  1. Neuropathy
  2. Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
  3. Cancer
  4. Dementia
Grade 4 Medical Terms
One kind of disease germ that causes some communicable diseases, for example colds and flu:
  1. virus
  2. antibody
  3. allergy
None Medical Terms
a torn or jagged wound, or an accidental cut wound
  1. Abrasion
  2. Contusion
  3. Lesion
  4. Laceration
Continuing Education Medical Terms
The Hearing System is divided into three parts. Please name the Three Parts of the Ear?                                                                                                                                       .
  1. Helix, Concha/bowl, Canal
  2. The Outer Ear, The Canal, The Middle Ear
  3. The Outer Ear, The Middle Ear, The Inner Ear
  4. A and C
None Medical Terms
Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect
  1. self esteem
  2. personality
  3. growth
  4. development
Grade 12 Medical Terms
A lesion or erosion of the lining of the stomach or small intestine is called what?
  1. hepatitis
  2. ulcer
  3. cirrhosis
  4. pancreatitis
Grade 7 Medical Terms
                is a disease in which one or more types of white blood cells are made in excessive numbers.
  1. Cancer
  2. Anemia
  3. Leukemia
  4. Diabetes
Grade 8 Medical Terms
Abstinence is defined as
  1. the healthiest and safest lifestyle
  2. saving yourself for someone
  3. to voluntarily choose to not do something, ie.engage in sex
  4. All of the above
College Medical Terms
Heart failure is a chronic progressive disease that
  1. has a low mortality rate
  2. causes infrequent inpatient hospitalizations
  3. is the most costly cardiovascular disease
  4. effects over 4 million americans
Continuing Education Medical Terms
Specialist who provides treatment of the respiratory system
  1. cystologist
  2. respiratologist
  3. endocrinologist
  4. pulmonologist
College Medical Terms
What is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes, often triggered by an allergic reaction?
  1. Emphysema
  2. Asthma
  3. Wheezing
  4. Upper respiratory infection
None Medical Terms
What is the definition of cancer?
  1. A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  2. A swelling of a part of the body.
  3. A disorder of a structure in a human body.
  4. It a a problem with your thyroid which causes a goiter.
Grade 7 Medical Terms
What is health?
  1. A pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking.
  2. The way you act in the many different situations and events in your life.
  3. A combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  4. Encouraging other people to live healthy lives.
College Medical Terms
1.one of the four elements of negligence is
  1. dereliction of duty
  2. deliberate act
  3. the defendent
  4. executive branch
Grade 2 Medical Terms
What is posture?
  1. Is the way you hold your feet.
  2. Is the way you sit, stand, and walk.
  3. Is the way you drive your car.
  4. Is the way to stand on a bed.
Continuing Education Medical Terms
The onset of menstruation, which identifies “puberty”
  1. menarche
  2. mennorrhea
  3. hematorrhea
  4. hematuria
Grade 8 Medical Terms
A noninfectious disease can be spread directly or indirectly from person to person.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Medical Terms
What do carcinogens do?
  1. cause addiction
  2. cause cancer
  3. cause hunger
  4. cause hair to fall out
Grade 12 Medical Terms
Body erect, facing forward, and palms supinated is also known as
  1. Fundamental Position
  2. Anatomical Position
  3. Anatomy Position
  4. Analogical Position
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