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Little Women - Classic Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Sixth Grade (Grade 6)

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Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Meg would best be described as
  1. difficult.
  2. lazy.
  3. responsible.
  4. silly.
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which part of the text is an example of foreshadowing?
  1. The girls decide to give presents to their mother.
  2. Laurie promises to kiss Amy before she dies.
  3. Jo turns down Laurie's marriage proposal.
  4. The girls' father sends a letter.
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
The book takes place during which war?
  1. The American Revolution
  2. French and Indian War
  3. The Civil War
  4. World War I
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which adjective best describes Jo?
  1. Lazy
  2. Spunky
  3. Pitiful
  4. Ecstatic
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.6.5
What is the purpose of the letter Mr. March sends the girls near the beginning of the novel?
  1. To lift their spirits
  2. To send his love
  3. To remind them to work hard
  4. To give them bad news
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which word best describes the tone of the novel?
  1. Sympathetic
  2. Upbeat
  3. Corrective
  4. Solemn
Grade 6 Little Women CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which best describes the conflict in the novel?
  1. Man vs. Man
  2. Man vs. Nature
  3. Man vs. Self
  4. Man vs. Society
Grade 6 Little Women
What type of narrator does the novel contain?
  1. First person
  2. Second person
  3. Third person limited
  4. Third person omniscient