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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Light and Optics Questions

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Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Which of the following is an example of refraction?
  1. Glass filled with water
  2. A periscope
  3. A mirror
  4. None of the above
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Which of the following is an example of reflection?
  1. Glass filled with water
  2. A waterfall
  3. A mirror
  4. A wall
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Choose whether the following objects are good or bad reflectors of light.
Good reflector Poor reflector
rough surface
opaque objects
metal spoon
plastic spoon
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
In an object, light is scattered on surfaces that are                   .
  1. Dull and rough
  2. Dull and smooth
  3. Shiny and smooth
  4. Rough and metallic
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics

What does this investigation show?
  1. Light travels in a straight line.
  2. Many light rays make up a beam.
  3. Light is bright.
  4. All of the above.
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
Grade 6 Light and Optics
When light strikes a convex lens, the light beams
  1. diverge or spread out.
  2. become wiggly lines.
  3. converge or become focused into one beam.
Grade 6 Light and Optics
What happens to green light and red light when they shine on a green leaf?
  1. Both are absorbed.
  2. Both are reflected.
  3. Green light is absorbed, and red light is reflected.
  4. Green light is reflected, and red light is absorbed.
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