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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Greece Questions

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Grade 9 Greece
Which event or events led up to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War?
  1. Athens rebuilding its city walls
  2. a helot revolt around Sparta
  3. Athens allying itself with traditional enemies of Sparta
  4. all of the above
Grade 9 Greece
Grade 9 Greece
The Thirty Years' Peace ended after only fifteen years when Sparta declared war on Athens for what?
  1. launching an attack on Sparta
  2. joining the Persian Empire
  3. aiding Corcyra in a dispute with Corinth
  4. insulting the Spartan Kings
Grade 9 Greece
Spartan General Lysander ended the Peloponnesian War by luring the Athenian Fleet into combat by doing what?
  1. blockading the Hellespont
  2. attacking the Piraeus
  3. bribing their admirals
  4. pretending to have a smaller fleet
Grade 9 Greece
Grade 9 Greece

This amphora was painted in what ancient Greek style?
  1. Black-Figure
  2. Red-Figure
  3. Geometric
  4. Minoan
Grade 9 Greece
Grade 9 Greece
Grade 9 Greece

Black-figure pottery was replaced by what style?
  1. White-ground
  2. Orientalizing
  3. Red-figure
  4. Minoan
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