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Cold War Questions - All Grades

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Grade 8 Cold War
Grade 10 Cold War
What was the dividing line that divided the capital of Germany?
  1. 48th parallel
  2. Soviet bloc
  3. Eastern front
  4. Berlin Wall
Grade 8 Cold War
Grade 9 Cold War
NATO was created in what year?
  1. 1945
  2. 1949
  3. 1952
  4. 1955
Grade 10 Cold War
The Cold War originated immediately after                .
  1. The Civil War
  2. World War II
  3. World War I
  4. Korean War
Grade 6 Cold War
The Cold War was:
  1. an actual war which was fought on Russian (U.S.S.R.) soil.
  2. an actual war which was fought on United States soil.
  3. a term used to describe the tension between Russia (U.S.S.R.) and the United States.
  4. a term used to describe the struggle between the Russian farmers and the cold weather.
Grade 9 Cold War
What type of government did the Soviet Union have?
  1. Communist
  2. Republic
  3. Democratic
  4. Monarchy
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