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Chords Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Chords
What do we label a chord with the notes, C, Eb, G:
  1. minor
  2. major
  3. diminished
  4. augmented
Grade 9 Chords
What is the V chord in the key of F#?
  1. B, D#, F#
  2. E, G#, B
  3. D#, F#, A#
  4. C#, E#, G#
Grade 9 Chords
Grade 3 Chords
A "chord" is:
  1. 2 notes played at the same time.
  2. 3 or more notes played at the same time.
  3. a percussion instrument.
Grade 9 Chords
Grade 12 Chords
What are the three triad positions?
  1. I, IV, V
  2. 2nd Inversion, 1st Inversion, Tonic
  3. Root Position, 1st Inversion, 2nd Inversion
  4. 1st position, 2nd Position, 3rd position
  5. 1st Inversion, 2nd Inversion, 3rd Inversion
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