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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Canadian Geography Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 9 Canadian Geography questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Which Canadian province is the smallest?
  1. British Columbia
  2. Manitoba
  3. Ontario
  4. Prince Edward Island
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Where is Whitehorse?
  1. Northwest Territories
  2. Yukon
  3. Nunavat
  4. Manitoba
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Where is Fredericton?
  1. PEI
  2. New Brunswick
  3. Nova Scotia
  4. Nebraska
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
The two official languages of Canada are                     .
  1. English and Spanish.
  2. French and Spanish.
  3. Italian and African.
  4. English and French.
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
What is the national capital of Canada?
  1. Ottawa
  2. Yellow Knife
  3. Washington D.C
  4. Columbus
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
The Canadian Province of British Columbia borders                  .
  1. The Atlantic Ocean
  2. The Gulf of Mexico
  3. Australia
  4. Pacific Ocean
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Canada is commonly called:
  1. The Great White North
  2. The Wheat Belt
  3. The New World
  4. NAFTA
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
What is Canada's smallest province?
  1. British Columbia
  2. Ontario
  3. Prince Edward Island
  4. Nova Scotia
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
Grade 9 Canadian Geography
                    is the most populous Canadian province.
  1. British Columbia
  2. Ontario
  3. Prince Edward Island
  4. Nova Scotia