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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Botany Questions

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Grade 7 Botany
Photosynthesis is
  1. the green material in plants that traps energy from sunlight and uses it to break down water molecules into atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. the growth tissue that produces the xylem and phloem.
  3. the process by which green plants use chemicals from the environment and energy from the Sun to make their own food.
Grade 7 Botany
During photosynthesis, plants take in
  1. oxygen and give off water.
  2. glucose and give off carbon dioxide.
  3. carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.
  4. oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.
Grade 7 Botany
The landing of pollen on a stigma is
  1. fertilization.
  2. pollination.
  3. grain.
  4. egg.
Grade 7 Botany
How do plants reproduce?
  1. sexually
  2. asexually
  3. a and b
  4. They do not reproduce.
Grade 7 Botany
Organisms that make their own food are
  1. self reliant.
  2. autotrophs.
  3. autosynthesizers.
  4. stomata.
Grade 7 Botany
What are vascular plants?
  1. Plants that have thorns.
  2. Plants that have tube-like structures that carry water, nutrients, and other substances.
  3. Plants that do not need water.
  4. All of the above
Grade 7 Botany
Geotropism is a plant's response to the stimuli of
  1. gravity.
  2. temperature.
  3. water.
  4. touch.
Grade 7 Botany
Into what two groups are vascular plants separated?
  1. flowering (angiosperms)
  2. nonflowering (gymnosperms)
  3. mosses
  4. a and b
  5. none of the above
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