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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Bodies of Water and Continents Questions

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Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
The                 River begins in Minnesota and flows through 10 states before reaching the Gulf of Mexico.
  1. Ohio
  2. Missouri
  3. Colorado
  4. Mississippi
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the longest river in Africa?
  1. Nile
  2. Niger
  3. Congo
  4. Limpopo
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
New evidence suggests the                 River is the longest in the world.
  1. Nile
  2. Yellow
  3. Amazon
  4. Mississippi
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the deepest lake in the world?
  1. Lake Chad
  2. Lake Baikal
  3. Crater Lake
  4. Lake Superior
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
Lake Titicaca is in which mountain range?
  1. Himalayas
  2. Rockies
  3. Andes
  4. Alps
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What type of islands are the Hawaiian islands?
  1. coral
  2. barrier
  3. volcanic
  4. continental
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is permafrost?
  1. sea ice
  2. a thick layer of snow
  3. a synonym for tundra
  4. water permanently frozen underground
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the largest island?
  1. Madagascar
  2. New Guinea
  3. Greenland
  4. Cuba
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which river runs through the most countries?
  1. Nile
  2. Yangtze
  3. Danube
  4. Amazon
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the largest inland body of water, or lake, on Earth?
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Caspian Sea
  3. Lake Baikal
  4. Dead Sea
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is an atoll?
  1. an island formed by a volcano
  2. an island formed by coral reefs
  3. an island with no fresh water
  4. a string of islands
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
Africa is the largest continent of the seven continents.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
The seven major land masses on earth are called                .
  1. Condiments
  2. Camaro's
  3. Continents
  4. Chevy's
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
The four major bodies of water on the earth are called                .
  1. Oceans
  2. Rivers
  3. Lakes
  4. Swimming Pools
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
Asia is the largest continent.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the biggest ocean in the world?
  1. Pacific
  2. Atlantic
  3. Indian
  4. Arctic
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which ocean completely surrounds Antarctica?
  1. Indian
  2. Pacific
  3. Atlantic
  4. Southern
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
All lakes are freshwater.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
The geographic North Pole is in the Arctic Ocean.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
The largest city in the Arctic is in which country?
  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. Norway
  4. United States
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