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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Ancient History Questions

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Grade 4 Egypt
The Nile is in          Africa         . Farmers liked when it flooded because it watered their        land       .
Grade 4 Ancient History
What was the color of the Phoenicians' famous dye?
  1. green
  2. blue
  3. purple
  4. gold
Grade 4 Ancient History
By studying the                in coprolites, archaeologists can tell what time of the year people lived in the rock shelters.
  1. honey
  2. pollen
  3. blood
  4. bones
Grade 4 Ancient History
What does an archaeologist do?
  1. Dig in the ground to find buried dinosaur bones
  2. Dig in the ground to find old buried objects
  3. Study people by interviewing them
  4. Study native Americans
Grade 4 Ancient History
Who were the first people to live in what is now the USA?
  1. Native Americans or American Indians
  2. European Settlers and enslaved africans
Grade 4 Greece
How many colonies did the Greeks set up?
  1. 200
  2. 100
  3. 10
  4. 50
Grade 4 Ancient History
An                 archaeologist                studies artifacts and sites to learn about ancient people.
Grade 4 Ancient History
For what reasons did Asian cross the land bridge to the Americas?
  1. Warmer climates and more vegetation
  2. Better housing
  3. Following source of food, clothing and shelter
Grade 4 Ancient History
An artifact is something that people from long ago used to
  1. hunt
  2. cook their food
  3. make their clothes
  4. all of the above
Grade 4 Ancient History
An archaeologist is a scientist who studies
  1. dinosaurs
  2. people that lived a long time ago
  3. medicine
Grade 4 Ancient History
Who were the first people to live in what is now the USA?
Grade 4 Ancient History
Before written history is known as what?
  1. Historic
  2. Before time
  3. Prehistoric
  4. Archaic
Grade 4 Ancient History
Who was the first prehistoric Indian tribe to live in North America?
  1. Archaic
  2. Paleo
  3. Woodland
  4. Mississippian
Grade 4 Ancient History
              Agriculture              is planting and growing of crops for food.
Grade 4 Ancient History
Who was a famous Phoenician sea captain?
  1. Marco Polo
  2. Hanno
  3. Queen Hatshepsut
  4. Christopher Columbus
Grade 4 Ancient History
The Minoans capital was in Atlantis.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
An artifact is an object made by early people.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
Which tribe invented the Atlatl?
  1. Cherokee
  2. Paleo
  3. Creek
  4. Archaic
Grade 4 Ancient History
Archaeologists are scientists who study living things.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
Name the largest Woodland Indian mounds in the U.S.?
  1. Pinson
  2. Old Stond Fort
  3. Chucalissa
  4. Coats-Hines
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