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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Ancient History Questions

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Grade 4 Ancient History
The story of             Gilgamesh             is one of the oldest fairy-tales in the world and according to the story, a         snake         ate a magic plant that made it live forever.
Grade 4 Ancient History
What did Joseph's brothers do to him?
  1. They killed him.
  2. They sold him to traders as a slave.
  3. They threw him in a pit and left him there.
  4. They made fun of him.
Grade 4 Ancient History
Shamshi-Adad ruled the            northern            part of Mesopotamia and called him empire the             Assyrian              Empire.
Grade 4 Ancient History
Abram's father, Terah, was worried that                                                            .
  1. Babylon might attack Ur and he would lose all his riches.
  2. he did not have enough money.
  3. the moon-god would not protect him.
  4. Abraham did not have a son to carry on the family business.
Grade 4 Ancient History
The Babylonians called the time that it took the earth to go all the way around the sun once            one year            and divided this time period into           twelve            months.
Grade 4 Ancient History
The people of China first lived between the           Yellow            River and the            Yangtze             River a grew a different kind of grain called        rice       .
Grade 4 Ancient History
No one knows for sure what happened to the citadel cities of India.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
Hammurabi believed that the chief god of Babylon, Marduk, made him king so that he could become rich.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
Shamshi-Adad ruled by fear and cruelty.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Egypt
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest the Seven Wonders.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Ancient History
The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the                 Caves.
  1. Wadi Rum
  2. Qumran
  3. Nebo
  4. Sinai
Grade 4 Greece
What is the Greek name for the Goddess of Marriage?
  1. Minerva
  2. Hera
  3. Proserpine
Grade 4 Roman Empire
Who is the Roman King of the Gods?
  1. Vulcan
  2. Bacchus
  3. Jupiter
Grade 4 Ancient History
To migrate means
  1. to trade for goods and services
  2. to hunt for food
  3. to move from one place to another
Grade 4 Ancient History
What do archaeologists study to learn about ancient people?
  1. plants
  2. stars
  3. artifacts
Grade 4 Greece
What is the Roman name for Demeter?
  1. Hestia
  2. Ceres
  3. Venus
Grade 4 Egypt
The Hippocratic Oath that doctor's take today originated with Imhotep, who held several titles including that of physician.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 China
The Chinese used this animal to carry heavy loads
  1. camels
  2. elephants
  3. donkey
  4. horses
Grade 4 Ancient History
Archaeologists discovered they could study the archaic diet by examining                .
  1. rocks
  2. coprolites
  3. cave drawings
  4. insects
Grade 4 Ancient History
The Phoenicians used                 to make their special dye.
  1. flowers
  2. lye
  3. snails
  4. cedar logs
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