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Second Grade (Grade 2) American Revolution Questions

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Grade 2 American Revolution
America and                fought in the Revolutionary War.
  1. Colonies
  2. President Obama
  3. America
  4. Great Britain
Grade 2 American Revolution
What was the name of one of the first people to be killed while gaining independence from Britain (during the Boston Massacre)?
  1. Samuel Adams
  2. Paul Revere
  3. George Washington
  4. Crispus Attucks
Grade 2 American Revolution
The war that the colonists gained their independence was called the
  1. The War of 1776
  2. Civil War
  3. American Revolution
  4. The Vietnam War
Grade 2 American Revolution
What is another name for the Fourth of July?
  1. Labor Day
  2. Independence Day
  3. Flag Day
  4. Liberty Bell Day
Grade 2 American Revolution
What special bell rang out on July 8, 1776, to proclaim liberty?
  1. the Liberia Bell
  2. the Free Bell
  3. the Lamb Bell
  4. the Liberty Bell
Grade 2 American Revolution
Mark 2 things that are true about Paul Revere.
  1. He was not very brave.
  2. He liked the British.
  3. He was a silversmith and artist.
  4. He was a traitor.
  5. He warned the people that the British were coming.
Grade 2 American Revolution
The Declaration of Independence told everyone in America that they were not colonists anymore- they were Americans and they would fight for their freedom from Britain and King George.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 American Revolution
James                 helped write the United States Constitution.
  1. Washington
  2. Madison
  3. Smith
Grade 2 American Revolution
Even though Benedict Arnold had been a good leader, we now remember him as being a traitor during the Revolutionary War.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 American Revolution
What did the colonists call the British soldiers?
Grade 2 American Revolution
Paul Revere was born in 1934.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 American Revolution
After the Revolutionary War, our country adopted a motto: "E Pluribus Unum." This is Latin for:
  1. all for one and one for all
  2. one from many
  3. love one another
  4. we are the best
Grade 2 American Revolution
Why did Paul Revere go for a ride at midnight?
Grade 2 American Revolution
George Washington was first in war, first in peace, and                                          first in the hearts of his countrymen.