Online Self-Paced Biology Lessons
Discover the natural world with this collection of online biology lessons on zoology, botany, ecology, genetics, anatomy, and more.
Our lessons for middle/high school students are meant for self-directed online learning. Many of our lessons contain a short introduction, followed by an embedded video created by Help Teaching team or obtained with permission from sources, such as Khan Academy,, and Bozeman Science and links to other free online resources to help students understand the topic. Lessons without a video source noted are text and image-based, similar to what students would find in a textbook. All lessons also include practice questions to use for pre-assessment and practice, as well as links to longer, more formal tests and worksheets to assess what students have learned.
Assigning lessons is simple and doesn't require students to have accounts. Help Teaching subscribers can assign lessons to students by selecting the "Assign Lesson" icon and monitor student progress in our online testing platform, Test Room.
Lessons labeled with use Help Teaching original videos and are accessible to Pro subscribers only. Become a Pro Subscriber to access these lessons and hundreds of standards aligned worksheets.