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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Magnetism and Electricity Questions

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Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Lightning is a form of what?
  1. force
  2. electricity
  3. magnetism
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Which term means to pull together?
  1. repel
  2. attract
  3. radiant
  4. diamonds
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Which term means to push apart?
  1. repel
  2. attract
  3. refraction
  4. electrodes
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Magnets attract materials made of                 and                .
  1. iron; cooper
  2. iron; paper
  3. wood; iron
  4. steel; iron
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
The pull of a magnet is strongest at its                   .
  1. circuit
  2. poles
  3. static electricity
  4. insulator
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
All magnets have 2 of these.
  1. sides
  2. names
  3. sounds
  4. poles
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Electricity will travel in a broken circuit.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
What is the term for a region of magnetic force surrounding a magnet?
  1. insulator
  2. conductor
  3. magnetic field
  4. filament
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
When the north pole of one magnet faces the south pole of another magnet, the magnets
  1. attract and then fall off.
  2. fall off and then stick together.
  3. attract and stick together.
  4. stick together and fly.
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Which object will the magnet attract?
U Magnets Down
  1. Pencil - Medium
  2. Screw
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
If you break a magnet into two pieces, what happens to its magnetic poles?
  1. There is no effect.
  2. Each magnet will have two south poles.
  3. Each magnet will have two north poles.
  4. Each magnet will have a north and south pole.
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
A circuit is a closed circuit when
  1. there are no gaps in its path.
  2. it has two or more batteries.
  3. it contains a switch.
  4. there is a gap in its path.
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
What are some examples of good conductors?
  1. wood, rubber, glass
  2. metal, salt, water
  3. grass, food, gas
  4. oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
The magnetic force between two magnets are                 when the magnets are far apart
  1. stronger
  2. weaker
  3. the same
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
Electric current flows along a single path in a                 .
  1. parallel circuit
  2. series circuit
  3. short circuit
  4. circuit
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
When you bring two magnets together they will either attract or                 each other
  1. break
  2. repel
  3. force
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
One example of a resistor is a                 .
  1. battery
  2. filament
  3. parallel circuit
  4. power cord
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
The two ends of a magnet are called                .
  1. charges
  2. poles
  3. magnetic fields
  4. circuits
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
A washing machine is an example of transforming
  1. electricity into motion energy.
  2. motion energy into electric energy.
  3. electricity into light.
  4. heat into motion energy.
Grade 4 Magnetism and Electricity
A                  connects each load to the power source by different paths called branches.
  1. parallel circuit
  2. series circuit
  3. short circuit
  4. circuit
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