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Search Results for placed - All Grades

4073 questions match "placed". Refine Your Search

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Grade 5 Frequently Confused Words
a trip by boat from place to place
  1. cruze
  2. cruise
  3. crews
  4. chase
Grade 10 Culinary Arts
The common term "mise en place" is a French phrase loosely translated as
  1. "cut to order."
  2. "place on the plate."
  3. "put in place."
  4. "most of all."
Grade 6 Ancient History
Grade 10 Historical Fiction
What did the scaffold where Dimmesdale died become over time?
  1. A place of worship
  2. A tourist attraction
  3. An awful place
  4. A market square
Grade 6 Microbiology
Where do fungi live?
  1. on your hands
  2. in warm, damp places
  3. in cold, dry places
Grade 8 Themes of Geography
Absolute Location refers to
  1. a line that runs through Greenwich, England.
  2. an exact place on Earth.
  3. a place in relation to another place.
  4. the Northern Hemisphere.
Grade 5 Place Value CCSS: 5.NBT.A.1, MP6
The distance between Mary's house and Diana's house is 555.55 meters. Which statement
about the values of the digits in the distance, in meters, between their houses is true?
  1. The value of the 5 in the tenths place is 10 times greater than the value of the 5 in the hundredths place.
  2. The value of the 5 in the tenths place is 1/10 the value of the 5 in the tens place.
  3. The value of the 5 in the hundredths place is 1/10 the value of the 5 in the ones place.
  4. The value of the 5 in the hundreds place is 10 times greater than the value of the 5 in the ones place.
Grade 5 Decimals CCSS: 5.NBT.A.1, MP6
The distance between Miriam's house and Debbie's house is 444.44 meters. Which statement
about the values of the digits in the distance, in meters, between their houses is true?
  1. The value of the 4 in the tenths place is 1/10 the value of the 4 in the tens place.
  2. The value of the 4 in the hundredths place is 1/10 the value of the 4 in the ones place.
  3. The value of the 4 in the hundreds place is 10 times greater than the value of the 4 in the ones place.
  4. The value of the 4 in the tenths place is 10 times greater than the value of the 4 in the hundredths place.
Grade 2 Defining Words
A tabernacle is                                          .
  1. to hurry from place to place
  2. a place where Jewish people go to worship
  3. a large bag made of strong material
Grade 4 Pre-Colonial Period
The Inuit tribe of the United States are also known as Eskimos who live in igloos. They previously lived a nomadic lifestyle in a constant search for food. What does nomadic mean?
  1. To live in no man's land.
  2. To move from place to place.
  3. To stay in one place and settle in a permanent village.
  4. To be adventurous and carefree.
Grade 9 Colons and Semicolons CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.9-10.2, L.9-10.2a
"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting."

The most natural place for a semicolon in this passage is
  1. in place of the question mark.
  2. in place of the period between you and That's.
  3. in place of the comma between awake and the.
  4. No semicolons could fit in this passage.
Grade 6 Defining Words
to put in place or set up; to place into office
  1. construct
  2. massive
  3. vicinity
  4. furnish
Grade 4 Defining Words
What is a habitat?
  1. a place where an animal lives
  2. to be in danger
  3. to defend
  4. a place far way
Grade 6 Prefixes and Suffixes
Choose the correct definition for the word.

  1. to put under
  2. to place on top of
  3. to place near
  4. to put behind you
Grade 8 Biomes
What is a biome?
  1. a complex of communities
  2. a system of trees
  3. a specific place
  4. a place of great importance
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
The location of a place in relation to another place is called
  1. Absolute location
  2. Region
  3. Relative Location
  4. Human-Environment Interaction
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