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Search Results for perfect - All Grades

429 questions match "perfect". Refine Your Search

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Grade 2 Prefixes
Not perfect
  1. imperfect
  2. inperfect
Grade 8 Defining Words
Not perfect:
  1. infallible
  2. fallible
  3. reputable
  4. affluence
Grade 8 Tenses
Grade 8 Tenses
What is the tense of the verb?
The refrigerator has been running constantly all morning.
  1. present
  2. present perfect
  3. present progressive
  4. present perfect progressive
Grade 8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Which of the following is the correct time orientation of the verbs in the following sentence?
After everyone has left the party, we will clean the house.
  1. Present perfect; future: specific one-time action
  2. Past perfect; past
  3. Present: habitual action; present perfect
  4. Present: habitual action; future perfect
Grade 7 Scales
The interval between F and B is a                 
  1. perfect fourth
  2. perfect fifth
  3. augmented fourth
  4. major third
Grade 12 Music Theory
The musical interval F ascending to C is a                
  1. Major Second
  2. Major Fifth
  3. Perfect Fourth
  4. Perfect Fifth
Grade 8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Which of the following is the correct time orientation of the verbs in the following sentence?
Long before the sun rises, the birds will have sung several melodies.
  1. Present perfect; future: specific one-time action
  2. Present: habitual action; future perfect
  3. Past perfect; past
  4. Present: habitual action; present perfect
Grade 8 Verbs
Next year, my mom will have been working in the same place for 20 years.

What tense is the sentence written in?
  1. Simple future
  2. Continuous future
  3. Perfect future
  4. Perfect continuous future
Grade 8 Verbs
I will see you tomorrow.

What tense is the sentence written in?
  1. Simple future
  2. Continuous future
  3. Perfect future
  4. Perfect continuous future
Grade 8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Which of the following is the correct time orientation of the verbs in the following sentence?
By the time we finished our appetizers, we had lost our appetite for dinner.
  1. Present: suggesting a future time; future perfect
  2. Past; past perfect
  3. Present perfect; future: specific one-time action
  4. Present: habitual action; present perfect
Grade 8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Which of the following is the correct time orientation of the verbs in the following sentence?
By the time our dinner arrives, we will have filled up on appetizers.
  1. Past perfect; past
  2. Present perfect; future: specific one-time action
  3. Present: suggesting a future time; future perfect
  4. Present: habitual action; present perfect
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