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Search Results for outer - All Grades

484 questions match "outer". Refine Your Search

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College Circulatory and Immune Systems
The outer layer of the pericardium is called the                    ?
  1. visceral layer
  2. fibrous pericardium
  3. parietal layer
  4. serous pericardium
Grade 4 Rocks
This rock is from outer space.
  1. boulder
  2. rock
  3. meteorite
  4. pebbles
  5. shale
  6. granite
  7. obsidian
Grade 7 Earth's Layers
What are the layers of Earth from inside to out?
  1. Inner Core, Outer Core, Crust, Mantle
  2. Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, Crust
  3. Crust, Mantle, Inner Core, Outer Core
  4. Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core, Crust
Grade 10 Microbiology
The outer protein coat of a virus is a
  1. core of DNA.
  2. core of RNA.
  3. capsid.
  4. membrane envelope.
Grade 3 Universe
Grade 7 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
What is the outer layer of the bone?
  1. periosteum
  2. osteocyte
  3. endosteum
  4. osteomere
Grade 5 Outer Planets
Which planet is NOT an outer planet?
  1. Saturn
  2. Neptune
  3. Mercury
Grade 8 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
The hard outer covering of teeth is
  1. enamel.
  2. dentin.
  3. crust.
  4. pulp.
Grade 6 Cell Structure and Function
The thin outer covering of a cell is the
  1. nucleus.
  2. cell membrane.
  3. cell.
  4. tissue.
Grade 6 Cell Structure and Function
The hard outer layer of the cell is the
  1. tissue.
  2. cell.
  3. cytoplasm.
  4. cell wall.
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 6 Dynastic China
Grade 8 Earth's Layers
Grade 7 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Botany
The outer covering of a plant consists of
  1. dermal tissue.
  2. ground tissue.
  3. vascular tissue.
  4. meristematic tissue.
Grade 6 Cell Structure and Function
The thin outer layer of the cell is the
  1. cell membrane.
  2. tissue.
  3. nucleus.
  4. vacuole.
Grade 4 Waves and Sound
Grade 3 Outer Planets
The outer planets are also called                .
  1. gas giants
  2. solid cores
  3. cold planets
  4. warm planets
Grade 6 Outer Planets
The outer planets are often called the                  .
  1. large comets
  2. gas giants
  3. asteroid belts
  4. none of the above
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