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Search Results for future - All Grades

604 questions match "future". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Antonyms
Antonym for future
  1. profound
  2. embedded
  3. retroactive
  4. ominous
Grade 6 Tenses
What is the tense of the verb?
People will enjoy peanut products for years to come.
  1. simple future
  2. future progressive
  3. present progressive
Grade 12 Physics
What is a characteristic outcome of stochastic systems with identical initial conditions?
  1. Identical future states
  2. Different future states
  3. No variability in outcomes
  4. Predictable future states
Grade 8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Which verb tense is used in the following sentence?
She has slept all day.
  1. Future perfect
  2. Simple present
  3. Recent past
  4. Future
Grade 7 Formation of the USA
What was the belief that the United States should expand westward called?
  1. manifest destiny
  2. certain future
  3. undeniable destiny
  4. American future
Grade 12 Personal Finance
Money employees set aside or invest for future income.
  1. Future Savings
  2. Future Value
  3. Retirement savings:
  4. Social Security
Grade 5 Defining Words
Processed for future use
  1. recycled
  2. brilliant
  3. pollution
  4. voyage
Grade 12 Personal Finance
A federal tax that supports elderly, disabled, or orphaned citizens.
  1. Future Savings
  2. Future Value
  3. Retirement Savings
  4. Social Security
Grade 8 Defining Words
Grade 2 Verbs

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Grade 4 Defining Words
to think about the future
  1. infer
  2. formulate
  3. predict
  4. explain
Grade 6 Fill in the Blank Vocabulary
Grade 6 A Christmas Carol

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The Ghost of Christmas Present says, "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future..." What does this suggest?
  1. The future is set in stone.
  2. Only the Ghost of Christmas Future knows what will happen.
  3. Scrooge has the ability to change the future.
  4. Shadows help predict what will happen in the future.
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