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Search Results for advantage - All Grades

356 questions match "advantage". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Spelling
Which is spelled correctly?
  1. advantag
  2. advantaje
  3. advantage
  4. advantige
Grade 8 Simple Machines
Which of the following statements would be true about the lever shown if C was moved closer to A?
Third Class Lever
  1. The ideal mechanical advantage would increase.
  2. The ideal mechanical advantage would decrease.
  3. The ideal mechanical advantage would remain unchanged.
Grade 4 Defining Words
to be exciting
  1. advantage
  2. capabilities
  3. identity
  4. thrilling
Grade 8 Defining Words
Grade 3 Defining Words
benefit, gain
  1. decay
  2. advantage
  3. habit
  4. journey
Grade 4 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. advantage
  2. advantij
  3. advantige
  4. advantuje
Grade 7 Antonyms
The opposite of BENEFIT would be:
  1. disadvantage
  2. advantage
  3. event
  4. party
Grade 3 Defining Words
causing or capable of causing death
  1. fatal
  2. perform
  3. cling
  4. advantage
Grade 4 Defining Words
who a person is or what a thing is
  1. Friction
  2. identity
  3. advantage
  4. thrilling
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