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To Kill a Mockingbird - Classic Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Ninth Grade (Grade 9)

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Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What is Dill's relationship to Scout and Jem?
  1. He is their cousin
  2. He is their neighbor
  3. He is their friend
  4. He is their teacher
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Who is Mayella Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
  1. The town sheriff
  2. A wealthy businesswoman
  3. A poor and abused daughter
  4. A respected teacher
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What does Scout think is wrong with Miss Maudie's front yard?
  1. It's too big
  2. It's too small
  3. There are no flowers
  4. There are too many flowers
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What is the significance of the title "To Kill a Mockingbird" in this chapter?
  1. It refers to the mockingbird being a symbol of innocence, as Boo Radley saves Scout and Jem's lives
  2. It refers to the mockingbird being a symbol of violence, as Bob Ewell attempts to harm the children
  3. It refers to the mockingbird being a symbol of justice, as Atticus defends Tom Robinson in court
  4. It does not have any significance in this chapter
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Who is Bob Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
  1. The town sheriff
  2. A wealthy businessman
  3. A poor and abusive father
  4. A respected lawyer
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Why does Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretend to be a drunk?
  1. To avoid working
  2. To gain sympathy
  3. To give people an excuse for his lifestyle
  4. To avoid socializing with others
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
How is Mayella described in the novel?
  1. As a confident and independent woman
  2. As a manipulative and deceitful person
  3. As a wealthy and influential member of society
  4. As a kind and gentle soul
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What does Mayella admit to during the trial?
  1. That she lied about the assault
  2. That she provoked Tom Robinson
  3. That her father abused her
  4. That she is guilty of a crime
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What is Mayella's relationship with her father like?
  1. She is very close to him
  2. She fears and hates him
  3. She is indifferent to him
  4. She doesn't have a father
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Who kills Tom Robinson?
  1. Bob Ewell
  2. Atticus Finch
  3. Jem Finch
  4. Heck Tate
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What is the name of the school that Scout and Jem attend?
  1. Maycomb High School
  2. Maycomb Elementary School
  3. Maycomb Academy
  4. There is no school in Maycomb
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What do Jem and Scout find in the knothole of the tree?
  1. A note from Boo Radley
  2. A pair of scissors
  3. A piece of chewing gum
  4. A spelling bee medal
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
How does Jem feel about Atticus's shooting ability?
  1. He is impressed
  2. He is disappointed
  3. He is scared
  4. He is amused
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
How does Tom Robinson say he ended up on the Ewell property on the day of the alleged assault?
  1. He was walking home from work and Mayella asked him to come inside
  2. He was looking for work and Bob Ewell offered him a job
  3. He was lost and ended up on the Ewell property by accident
  4. He was delivering a package to the Ewells
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What does Scout realize about her father's bravery after the incident at the jail?
  1. That he is a hero who deserves a medal
  2. That he is just doing his job as a lawyer
  3. That he is risking his life to stand up for what is right
  4. That he is foolish and doesn't know what he's doing
Grade 9 To Kill a Mockingbird
What is the reaction of the black spectators in the courtroom when Atticus leaves?
  1. They stand up as a sign of respect
  2. They remain seated and continue to watch the trial
  3. They leave the courtroom quietly
  4. They start cheering and clapping for Atticus
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