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The Outsiders - Young Adult Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 9 The Outsiders
What is the narrator's name?
  1. Johnny
  2. Two-bit
  3. Ponyboy
  4. Sodapop
Grade 7 The Outsiders
Why was Bob lying on the ground when Ponyboy woke up?
  1. He was drunk and passed out.
  2. Johnny stabbed him to protect Ponyboy.
  3. He fell asleep watching the stars.
  4. Ponyboy punched him so hard that he knocked him out.
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What rule did they have for the fight?
  1. Boys only
  2. Knives only
  3. No weapons
  4. No punching
Grade 9 The Outsiders
Who are the fuzz?
  1. the girls
  2. the Socs
  3. the police
  4. the parents
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What is a fight between two gangs or rival groups called?
  1. a tiff
  2. a party
  3. a rumble
  4. a disturbance
Grade 7 The Outsiders CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.7.5a
An example of allusion in the story is when:
  1. one of the characters call the Socs "chicken"
  2. Pony and Johnny talk about "Gone With the Wind"
  3. there is a fire in the church
  4. Soda thinks about his future with Sandy
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What group is the narrator part of?
  1. the Socs
  2. the Greasers
  3. the movie goers
  4. the goody two shoes
Grade 9 The Outsiders
How is the narrator related to Darry and Soda?
  1. They are cousins.
  2. They are brothers.
  3. They are best friends.
  4. They are on the football team.
Grade 12 The Outsiders
How did Ponyboy's parents die?
  1. murdered
  2. plane crash
  3. cancer
  4. car wreck
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What did Johnny tell Ponyboy to do?
  1. stay gold
  2. tell the boys
  3. win the rumble
  4. talk to his parents
Grade 8 The Outsiders
Grade 8 The Outsiders
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What did the doctor suggest would happen to Johnny?
  1. He would die.
  2. He would be paralyzed.
  3. He would never talk again.
  4. He would make a full recovery.
Grade 8 The Outsiders
Grade 9 The Outsiders
What did Ponyboy write about for his theme?
  1. losing his parents
  2. his first trip to the zoo
  3. the book The Outsiders
  4. Soda's horse Mickey Mouse
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