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The Giver - Young Adult Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 7 The Giver
Grade 9 The Giver
What was Jonas frightened of at the very beginning of The Giver?
  1. Asking Fiona on a date
  2. An airplane flying over the community
  3. An apple
  4. Disappointing his family
Grade 6 The Giver
Why is the Receiver the only person in the community to have memories?
  1. People are too busy to learn about the past
  2. People aren't smart enough to remember
  3. People are too lazy to want to remember
  4. People aren't brave enough to remember past suffering
Grade 6 The Giver
What would happen with the community if something happened to Jonas after having undergone a year of training?
  1. the community wouldn't notice a difference
  2. the community would miss him terribly
  3. the community would receive the memories
  4. the community would have to Release The Giver
Grade 6 The Giver
What was The Giver's favorite memory?
  1. friends
  2. family
  3. his Birthday
  4. Christmas
Grade 7 The Giver
How does Jonas get Gabe to sleep?
  1. He sings to him
  2. He rocks him
  3. He gives him memories
  4. He asks him nicely
Grade 9 The Giver
What ritual does Jonas's family, and everyone else in the community, perform every night?
  1. The telling of feelings
  2. Prayers before dinner
  3. Eating only fruits and vegetables, no meat
  4. The telling of dreams
Grade 10 The Giver
Why was Jonas frightened by the plane flying overhead?
  1. The plane was about to crash.
  2. Someone warned Jonas about the plane.
  3. Jonas thought it was a UFO.
  4. It is against the rules for pilots to fly over the community.
Grade 6 The Giver
Who was Rosemary?
  1. a female who received memories and couldn't handle them; she performed her own release
  2. a female who cared for the babies, she was sent Elsewhere by the Elders
  3. a birthmother who received a ceremony of Release
  4. an Elder who used to be friends with The Giver and had her heart broken by him
Grade 9 The Giver
What happens at the Ceremony of Twelve in Jonas's community?
  1. The children enter high school
  2. The children are given their bicycles
  3. The children are given their adult job titles
  4. The children are given their own houses
Grade 7 The Giver
Why does Jonas’s community have a Receiver?
  1. To hold all the good memories
  2. To hold all the bad memories
  3. To hold all memories so the community does not have to feel
Grade 6 The Giver
Grade 7 The Giver
What will happen to Gabe if he cannot sleep through the night?
  1. Medication will be administered
  2. He will be released to Elsewhere
  3. He will be allowed to stay until he learns to sleep well
Grade 7 The Giver
Who is Rosemary?
  1. Jonas' friend from school
  2. Jonas' sister
  3. The Giver's daughter
  4. The Giver's old friend
Grade 9 The Giver
On what occasion might a parent call a child by a number rather than a name?
  1. When they have forgotten the child's name
  2. When the child misbehaves
  3. When they are dropping the child off at school
  4. When they are filling out official documents and forms
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