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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Statistics and Probability Concepts Questions

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Grade 9 Range, Median, Mean, and Mode
Grade 9 Box Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Which of the following box plots has a smaller IQR?
Box Plot 4
  1. A
  2. B
  3. They are the same.
  4. This cannot be determined with the information given.
Grade 9 Histograms CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Which of the statements is true concerning the quiz scores represented in the following histogram? Assume that all student quiz scores from a certain class are represented.
Histogram 3
  1. More students received a score of 97% than 77%.
  2. There were more students who scored a 96% or higher than students who scored under 81%.
  3. More than half the class scored 91% or higher.
  4. The most common quiz score was 88%.
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