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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility Questions

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Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Since water possesses both a partially positive and a negative end, we refer to it as a
  1. a polar molecule.
  2. a hydrophobic molecule.
  3. a magnetic molecule.
  4. a nonpolar molecule.
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Which of the following correctly represents the equation for the molarity of a solution?
  1. molarity=moles of solutemoles of solvent
  2. molarity=moles of solventmoles of solution
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. molarity=moles of solutemoles of solution
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
How many grams of NaOH are present in 1 mole of NaOH?
  1. 40 grams
  2. 50 grams
  3. 60 grams
  4. 70 grams
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
What is the molality of 75 g of CaO dissolved in 1680 g of water?
  1. 0.045 molal
  2. 44.64 molal
  3. 446.4 molal
  4. 4.43 molal
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
What is the SI unit of molar concentration?
  1. molm3
  2. molcm1
  3. molcm3
  4. moldm2
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
If a solution's solute is "weaker" than the solution, then we call the solution
  1. hypertonic.
  2. hypotonic.
  3. isotonic.
  4. none of the above.
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Which of the following correctly represents the equation for parts per million?
  1. parts per million=massofsolutemassofsolvent×1000000
  2. parts per million=massofsolutemassofsolution×1000000
  3. parts per million=massofsolventmassofsolute×1000000
  4. parts per million=massofsolventmassofsolution×1000000
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 11 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
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