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Problem and Solution Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Problem and Solution
Angel wanted to join her local community service volunteer group, but her mom thought her grades were too low. Angel decided that she would work hard to bring her grades up so that her mom would allow her to join the group. When Angel brought her grades up to straight A's her Mom was happy to let her join the organization.

What was Angel's problem?
  1. Her mom wanted to be a part of the volunteer group but Angel was embarrassed of her mom.
  2. Angel wanted to volunteer for a group but they did not have any spaces.
  3. Her mom would not allow her to join a volunteer group because her grades were low.
  4. Angel got a job as a volunteer which left her no time to study.
Grade 5 Problem and Solution CCSS: RL.5.3
Which type of conflict is exhibited when a football player makes a tackle?
  1. person vs person
  2. person vs nature
  3. person vs society
  4. person vs technology
Grade 6 Problem and Solution CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.6.2
What is the major conflict in the story?
  1. The kids are trying to see whether or not Bigfoot is by the dam.
  2. The kids can't decide if they want to pull a prank on Mr. McAfree.
  3. The kids have to sneak back home without their father noticing.
  4. The kids have to decide whether or not they will obey their dad.
Grade 7 Problem and Solution CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.7.3
Grade 4 Problem and Solution
If Seth lacks friends, what should he do?
  1. phone his friends
  2. send e-mail messages to his friends
  3. try to make new friends
  4. plan some activities to do with his friends
Grade 9 Problem and Solution
A struggle against another person or some outside force is called                    .
  1. internal conflict
  2. struggling conflict
  3. main conflict
  4. external conflict
Grade 5 Problem and Solution CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.5.2

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What was the problem in this story?
  1. It was very cold during the winter.
  2. The little boy's mother was sick.
  3. The flowers were still sleeping.
  4. It was the beginning of spring.
Grade 9 Problem and Solution CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3
Heather can't decide whether or not to do her homework or watch a movie. What is she experiencing?
  1. man vs. nature conflict
  2. man vs. man conflict
  3. man vs. self conflict
  4. man vs. society conflict
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