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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Phonics Questions

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Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.

The fields were filled with "cotton" plants.
  1. cot/ton
  2. cott/on
  3. c/ot/ton
  4. co/tt/on
Grade 4 Phonics
Choose the correct way to divide the word into syllables.
  1. in-for-ma-tion
  2. inf-orm-a-tion
  3. in-form-a-tion
Grade 4 Phonics
Choose the words where the ed ending adds a syllable.
  1. walked
  2. tasted
  3. called
  4. melted
  5. wanted
  6. needed
  7. missed
  8. barked
Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.

Soft "music" filled the air.
  1. m/usic
  2. mu/sic
  3. mus/ic
  4. musi/c
Grade 4 Consonants and Blends
Select the words that are written in alphabetical order.
  1. bacon, cotton, muffin, proven
  2. muffin, raisin, bacon, often
  3. eleven, sunken, robin, cotton
  4. penguin, wooden, often, cousin
Grade 4 Letter and Number Recognition
Select the correctly spelled word.
  1. eleven
  2. ealeven
  3. eelevin
  4. elevin
Grade 4 Consonants and Blends
Which word comes first in alphabetical order?
  1. strike
  2. straight
  3. summer
  4. strive
  5. stress
  6. strange
Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllable.

A "magnet" has two poles.
  1. ma / gn / et
  2. m / ag / net
  3. ma / gnet
  4. mag / net
Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.

Will want to practice to be a better "problem " solver.
  1. pro / blem
  2. prob / lem
  3. probl / em
  4. prob / le / m
Grade 4 Syllables
How should you divide the word "vanish" into syllables?
  1. van / ish
  2. va / nish
  3. vani / sh
  4. vanis / h
Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.

Sharpen your "pencil".
  1. pen . cil
  2. pe . ncil
  3. penc . il
  4. p . en . cil
Grade 4 Syllables
Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.

The "robin" sang a sweet song early in the morning.
  1. r . obin
  2. ro . bin
  3. rob . in
  4. robi . n
Grade 4 Vowel Sounds
Fill in the missing letter:

circ     u     lar
Grade 4 Letter and Number Recognition
Choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. twenty-too
  2. twentie-two
  3. twinty-two
  4. twenty-two
Grade 4 Phonics
Choose the words with two syllables.
  1. frozen
  2. latitude
  3. flipper
  4. indent
Grade 4 Letter and Number Recognition
Choose the correctly spelled spelling word.
  1. thirtteen
  2. thirten
  3. therteen
  4. thirteen
Grade 4 Phonics
Which word contains the /zh/ sound spelled "s"?
  1. optimism
  2. phase
  3. arise
  4. vision
Grade 4 Phonics
Which of the following does not contain a silent consonant?
  1. crumb
  2. former
  3. plumber
  4. cupboard
Grade 4 Vowel Sounds
Fill in the missing letter:

permiss     i     ble
Grade 4 Rhymes
Write two words that rhyme with the word time.

                dime and lime                
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