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Ohio Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Ohio
What is the state flower of Ohio?
  1. Scarlet Carnation
  2. Red Rose
  3. Tulip
  4. Daffodil
Grade 4 Ohio
What is the capital of Ohio?
  1. Cleveland
  2. Columbus
  3. Cincinatti
  4. Canton
Grade 3 Ohio
Grade 3 Ohio
Who is the leader of Caldwell's executive branch?
  1. Barrack Obama
  2. Ted Strickland
  3. Lowell Anderson
Grade 4 Ohio
Which city is west of Sandusky?
  1. Marion
  2. Cleveland
  3. Columbus
  4. Toledo
Grade 3 Ohio
Who is the leader of Ohio's executive branch?
  1. Barrack Obama
  2. Ted Strickland
  3. Lowell Anderson