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None Nervous and Endocrine Systems Questions

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None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which system is in control over your entire body?
  1. Nervous System
  2. Urinary System
  3. Endoctrine System
  4. Skeletal System
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
For what is the cerebrum responsible?
  1. learning and memory
  2. balance
  3. breathing
  4. coordinating skeletal movement
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The neuron represents                                        .
  1. the smallest component of all matter
  2. nervous tissue
  3. the function unit of the nervous system
  4. the entire brain
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which of the following is a function of the nervous system?
  1. Transport blood
  2. Send impulses
  3. Gas exchange
  4. Store waste material
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Three types of neurons are                                  .
  1. motor, sensory, and memory
  2. sensory, motor, and relay
  3. sensory, motor, and intermediate
  4. sensory, motor, and communication
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
For what is the medulla oblongata responsible?
  1. learning and memory
  2. language and communication
  3. sensory processing
  4. breathing
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
For what is the cerebellum responsible?
  1. language and communication
  2. sensory processing
  3. learning and memory
  4. coordinating skeletal movement
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which of the following is a function of the nervous system?
  1. Transport Blood
  2. Send Impulses
  3. Gas exchange
  4. Store waste material
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the                                .
  1. brain and vertebral column
  2. cranial nerves and spinal cord
  3. brain and spinal cord
  4. sympathetic and parasympathetic
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which of the following is true of acetylcholine?
  1. released at neuromuscular junction
  2. controls muscle movements
  3. was the first transmitter discovered in the body
  4. involved in the autonomic nervous system
  5. all of the above
None Nervous and Endocrine Systems
An astrocyte
  1. is a cancerous cell
  2. is star shaped
  3. removes dead cells from the brain
  4. circulates cerebrospinal fluid
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