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Matched - Young Adult Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 9 Matched
After Patrick Markham told the neighborhood that the War against the Society’s enemy wasn’t going well and that they need more people to fight, why did the officials make everyone take the red tablet?
  1. The people would calm down after taking the red tablet.
  2. The people would die after taking the red tablet.
  3. The people wouldn’t fight against the Society.
  4. The people would forget the previous twelve hours.
Grade 9 Matched
What happened to Ky after Cassia places him in the better group during her sorting test.
  1. Ky was taken to the Outer Provinces to fight.
  2. Ky was offered a better job.
  3. Ky’s Aberration status was removed.
  4. Ky took the red tablet.
Grade 9 Matched
What message does Cassia’s mother get regarding her family?
  1. They are all in trouble with the Society.
  2. They are to be relocated the next day.
  3. Their artifacts are being returned.
  4. They are getting different jobs.
Grade 9 Matched
What had Cassia’s opinion been about the Society at the beginning of the book?
  1. She thought that they were too controlling.
  2. She didn’t think that they cared about citizens.
  3. She thought that they helped citizens have a close to perfect lifestyle.
  4. She didn’t like anything about the Society.
Grade 9 Matched
What was the reason for Ky’s face showing up on the microcard, according to Cassia’s official, at the end of the book?
  1. It was a rare mistake by the Society.
  2. He was supposed to be her match instead of Xander.
  3. Cassia’s official had set up an experiment.
  4. Ky’s Aberration status was removed and he was ment to be at the Match Banquet.
Grade 9 Matched
What happened to Ky after Cassia places him in the better group during her sorting test.
  1. Ky was taken to the Outer Provinces to fight.
  2. Ky was offered a better job.
  3. Ky’s Aberration status was removed.
  4. Ky took the red tablet and couldn’t remember the last twelve hours.
Grade 9 Matched
What message does Cassia’s mother get regarding her family?
  1. They are all in trouble with the Society.
  2. They are to be relocated the next day.
  3. Their artifacts are being returned.
  4. They are getting different jobs.
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