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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Management Information Systems Questions

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Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following is not a transactional e-commerce business?
  1. Toyota.com
  2. Honda. com
  3. YMPA.dadeschools.net
  4. Sears.com
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
With relation to e-Commerce, which of the following best describes a transactional business?
  1. Taco-Bell
  2. Burger King
  3. Walmart.com
  4. All businesses incorporate transactions
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following do transactional e-commerce businesses provide?
  1. Sale of goods and services
  2. Sale of goods only
  3. Online sale of goods
  4. Online sale of transactions
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following best describes a Business-to-Business?
  1. Sale of goods online to a consumer
  2. Sale of goods online to many consumers
  3. Sale of goods to a business from a Brick and Mortar business
  4. Sale of goods to a business online only
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Business prcesses provide for range of opportunities for the                                        .
  1. Application of Software.
  2. Application of Hardware.
  3. Application of Information Technology.
  4. Application of users to use computers.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
To achieve a company's business objectives, companies execute                              .
  1. Many policies.
  2. Many orders.
  3. Trasnactions.
  4. Numerous business processes.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
With reference to technology's impact in business, is important to take into account                                               .
  1. Computer application on business.
  2. Software application in business.
  3. How is the technology applied to the business.
  4. None of the above.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following best describes a Business-to-Consumer business?
  1. Sale of goods online from a business to a consumer
  2. The wholesale of goods online to another business
  3. Sale of goods to consumers
  4. Sale of goods and services to consumers
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following best describes a business that incorparates an ERP application?
  1. Small corner grocery store.
  2. Mid-size company warehouse.
  3. Large international company--primarily retail.
  4. All use an ERP application.
  5. None of the above.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
A characteristic of technology's impact in business is.
  1. Regulation.
  2. Computer Hardware.
  3. People.
  4. IT resources.
  5. None of the above.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following best describes a paradigm shift in technology?
  1. Use of USB 2.0 in business
  2. Impact of technology in business.
  3. Impact of use of CD as a storage media in business.
  4. Use of laptops in the business.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following best describes IT standards.
  1. Only used at some businesses.
  2. Standards are essential elements of information technology-hardware, software, and networks
  3. Standards are just USB drives
  4. Standards are essential elements of infomation technology used only for academic purposes.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
With reference to the impact of Information Technology in business, companies have embrace this impact as a                                            .
  1. An improvement for business operations.
  2. An added cost to their business operations.
  3. Paradigm shift.
  4. None of the above.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Which of the following is an example of a business process?
  1. Order Taking.
  2. Corporate Meeting.
  3. Quality Control Inspections.
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
The transfer of funds electronically is referred to as                              .
  1. Electronic Payment Transfer.
  2. Electronic Funds Allocation.
  3. Electronic Funds Payment.
  4. Electronic Funds Transfer.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
When considering the impact of technology in business, it is not a paradigm shift.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
To achieve a company's business objectives, companies execute                              .
  1. Many policies.
  2. Many orders.
  3. Trasnactions.
  4. Numerous business processes.
Grade 10 Management Information Systems
Infomational Websites are best described as.
  1. Sites that provide consumers with direct tourism service.
  2. Web sites that provide overall information about the business organization to include product or service rendered.
  3. Web site that sales information services to consumers.
  4. Websites that sale information to another business.