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None Macromolecules Questions

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None Macromolecules
An enzyme speeds up a reaction by                                
  1. lowering the activation energy.
  2. raising the activation energy.
  3. releasing energy.
  4. absorbing energy.
None Macromolecules
Protein molecules are polymers of                     .
  1. DNA molecules
  2. fatty acid molecules
  3. amino acid molecules
  4. none of the above
None Macromolecules
Which of the following is NOT a lipid?
  1. fats
  2. proteins
  3. steroids
  4. phospholipids
None Macromolecules
Which of these lists shows the relative size of macromolecules, from largest to smallest?
  1. water, sucrose, glucose, protein
  2. protein, water, glucose, sucrose
  3. water, protein, sucrose, glucose
  4. protein, sucrose, glucose, water
None Macromolecules
Proteins are polymers formed from                
  1. lipids.
  2. carbohydrates.
  3. amino acids.
  4. nucleic acids.
None Macromolecules
Cellulose is made up of many                  .
  1. monomers
  2. glucose molecules
  3. fatty acids
  4. amino acids
None Macromolecules
None Macromolecules
The peptide bond is                                                                    .
  1. a hydrogen bond joining amino acids together to form a polypeptide
  2. a covalent bond joining simple sugars together to form a polypeptide
  3. a covalent bond joining amino acids together to form a polypeptide
  4. a hydrogen bond joining nucleotides together to form a nucleic acid
None Macromolecules
None Macromolecules
What is the process by which monomers are linked together to form polymers?
  1. monomerization
  2. hydrolization
  3. dehydration reactions
  4. coiling
None Macromolecules
Which of the following is untrue about unsaturated fatty acids?
  1. most animal fats are saturated
  2. there are no double bonds between carbon atoms composing a chain so as many hydrogen bonds as possible can bond
  3. has one or more double bonds with one fewer hydrogen atom on each
  4. None of the above
None Macromolecules
High cholesterol levels are considered a major risk factor for heart disease. However, why is cholesterol still necessary?
  1. It isn't. humans have evolved to no longer need it
  2. it is an important part of nucleotides
  3. it is the basis for many important molecules such as hormones
  4. aids in the formation of amino acids
None Macromolecules
Lipids differ from other large biological molecules in that they                            .
  1. are not really polymers
  2. do not have specific shapes
  3. are not made up of carbon
  4. do not have nitrogen
None Macromolecules
Which of these is found in all amino acids?
  1. -COOH
  2. -OH
  3. -NH2
  4. Both A and C
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