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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Literature Questions

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Grade 4 Nature and Science (Stories)

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Where is the intertidal zone found?
  1. on an island
  2. on the bank of a river
  3. in the middle of the ocean
  4. where the ocean meets land
Grade 4 Short Stories (Fiction)

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What was Jamie most worried about in the story?
  1. that her pie would not win first place
  2. that her mother would make them move
  3. that the judges at the fair would laugh at her
  4. that her grandmother would forget her
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)

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What part of its body does a tarantula use as a defense?
  1. its legs
  2. its eyes
  3. its hairs
  4. its antennae
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)

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What is one of the tarantula's predators?
  1. a coyote
  2. a wild boar
  3. a desert turtle
  4. a brown anteater
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
Who bought Wilbur from Fern?
  1. Mr. Zuckerman
  2. Charlotte
  3. Avery
  4. Mrs. Arable
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
What did Sweetie Pie Thomas ask Opal and Winn-Dixie to do?
  1. give her money
  2. come to her birthday party
  3. show her the way to the library
  4. let her teach Winn-Dixie a trick
Grade 4 Nature and Science (Stories)

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What causes the biggest daily changes to the intertidal zone?
  1. tides moving
  2. animals dying
  3. sunlight shining
  4. humans swimming
Grade 4 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

In the poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the line "dancing in the breeze" is an example of...
  1. personification
  2. alliteration
  3. simile
  4. metaphor
Grade 4 Short Stories (Fiction)

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What was surprising about Jamie's grandmother?
  1. She had lived for a very long time.
  2. Her apple pie always won at the fair.
  3. She forgot many things, but remembered the pie recipe.
  4. Her friends remembered her, but she did not remember them.
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
What was the first message they found in Charlotte's web?
  1. Some Pig
  2. Radiant
  3. Terriffic
  4. Great
Grade 4 Nature and Science (Stories)

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Which season of the intertidal zone has the most open land 24 hours a day?
  1. spray zone
  2. low intertidal zone
  3. mid intertidal zone
  4. high intertidal zone
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
Since Opal thought Winn-Dixie was lost she was crying, and she was glad it was raining so hard because it made it easier to cry.

This is an example of:
  1. problem and solution
  2. cause and effect
  3. hyperbole
  4. community
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
How was Mr. Zuckerman related to Fern?
  1. He is her brother
  2. He is her uncle
  3. He is her grandfather
  4. He is her teacher
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
What did Mr. Arable say had to happen to Wilbur when he was five weeks old?
  1. He had to sleep outside
  2. He had to wear special clothes
  3. He had to be sold
  4. He had to take a bath
Grade 4 Poetry CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.4.5

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Which lines of Nelly's Pet Lamb rhyme?
  1. Lines 1 and 3
  2. Lines 2 and 3
  3. Lines 3 and 6
  4. Lines 6 and 7
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
What did Opal learn about Otis?
  1. He was married.
  2. He had been in jail.
  3. He was from another country.
  4. He was allergic to most animals.
Grade 4 Food (Stories)
What is peristalsis?
  1. the contractions of muscles to move food to the intestines
  2. the process of ridding digested food from the body
  3. the scientific name for a cupcakes
  4. the name of one of your intestines
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
Why did her daddy name her India?
  1. He likes Indian people.
  2. He used to be a missionary in India.
  3. He wants to go to India.
  4. He chose it from a world map.
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)

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What happens if a tarantula loses a leg?
  1. It dies.
  2. It goes to hide.
  3. Its leg grows back.
  4. Its body gets smaller.
Grade 4 Short Stories (Fiction)
At the beginning of the story, King Lion
  1. enforced a new law.
  2. called the animals to a meeting.
  3. summoned the monkey to his den.
  4. asked Anansi to give him some advice.
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