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Flag Football Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Flag Football
In flag football, a lateral is a pass that is thrown                                    .
  1. like a pass but underhand
  2. overhand but sideways
  3. underhand but sideways or backwards
  4. like a pass but backwards
Grade 8 Flag Football
Grade 8 Flag Football
Grade 6 Flag Football
Grade 8 Flag Football
Grade 8 Flag Football
How many points is a touchdown worth?
  1. 6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 7 points
Grade 7 Flag Football
A touchdown is made in                      ?
  1. the huddle
  2. the line of scrimmage
  3. the endzone
  4. the sideline
Grade 7 Flag Football
Grade 8 Flag Football
The team with the ball is on _____________.
  1. defense
  2. offense
  3. goal
  4. penalty
Grade 8 Flag Football
Grade 8 Flag Football
Where are you going to put the ball when bringing the ball back to pass?
  1. By your neck
  2. Under your head
  3. Above your head
  4. Up by your ear
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