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College Evolution Questions

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College Evolution
In a cladogram, the outgroup is the organism that has
  1. the shared derived characters
  2. the shared primitive character
  3. both the shared primitive character and shared derived characters
  4. new traits
  5. none of the above
College Evolution
College Evolution
Similarity resulting from a common ancestry is known as                     .
  1. Convergent Evolution
  2. Homology
  3. Natural Selection
  4. Vestigial structures
College Evolution
An accurate statement about natural selection is                                                     .
  1. it has occurred in all living things
  2. it is responsible for many differences among species
  3. for it to work, a population must be variable
  4. it generates adaptations.
  5. all of these are accurate statements
College Evolution
Darwin contributed which unique ideas towards science?
  1. Environmental pressure causes organisms to change.
  2. Organisms can pass changes on to their offspring
  3. Small evolutionary changes contribute into larger ones
  4. Variation is what allows organisms to change over time
  5. Major evolution occurs slowly over time
  6. A and B
  7. C,D,E
  8. All of the above
College Evolution
A state of genetic equilibrium requires                     .
  1. inbreeding
  2. random mating
  3. low mortality
  4. just a few mutations
College Evolution
Aside from Natural selection, Darwin was the first biologist to propose                                                                                      .
  1. Mutations in the genes can lead to new variation
  2. The evolution of species over time
  3. Darwin did not propose anything new aside from natural selection.
  4. Tree like structure to describe evolution
  5. genetic inheritance, stonger genes in parents lead to stronger genes in the offspring
College Evolution
Genetic drift is the result of                                  .
  1. differential reproductive success
  2. chance
  3. a large gene pool
  4. natural selection
  5. environmental variation
College Evolution
In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what happens to the allele frequency?
  1. It remains constant
  2. It changes at a constant rate
  3. It changes slowly
  4. It changes towards homozygosity
College Evolution
What is Physical Anthropology?
  1. Study of Human Biological Evolution and Variation
  2. Study of Past Societies and Cultures
  3. Study of Language and Language Structure
  4. Study of the Human Body and Health
College Evolution
What is Adaptive Radiation?
  1. Species Diverse Rapidly to New Forms
  2. Species Transform Into New species due to Radiation
  3. Neither A or B
  4. Both A and B
College Evolution
Individuals evolve, populations do not.
  1. This is a correct statement.
  2. This is an incorrect statement.
College Evolution
Which of the following is not a requirement of evolution by natural selection?
  1. random mating
  2. fitness differences
  3. inheritance
  4. variation
  5. more offspring produced than can survive
College Evolution
Which of the following is not an observation or inference on which Darwin's theory of natural selection is based?
  1. poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring
  2. there is heritable variation among individuals
  3. because of overpopulation of offspring, there is competition for limited resources
  4. a population can become adapted to its environment over time
College Evolution
Under the biological species concept, for the same gene pools of two species to remain distinct, there must be                                                 .
  1. a geographic barrier between them
  2. some reproductive isolation
  3. different selection pressures on each species
  4. enough genetic drift to compensate for migration
College Evolution
The biological species concept introduces what major element to our definition of a species?
  1. Species can be categorized according to physical similarity between members.
  2. Animals that cannot communicate with each other cannot be part of the same species.
  3. A species maintains a successful set of traits and thus a succesful gene pool.
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