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Kindergarten Context Clues Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Kindergarten Context Clues questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Kindergarten Context Clues
I am yellow. I have a curved shape.

What am I?
  1. asparagus
  2. a banana
  3. a carrot
  4. celery
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am red. I belong to the berry family.

What am I?
  1. a grape
  2. a nectarine
  3. a strawberry
  4. a tomato
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am orange. I have rough skin.

What am I?
  1. an apple
  2. an orange
  3. a peach
  4. a tomato
Kindergarten Context Clues
I can be purple or green. I grow on a vine.

What am I?
  1. an eggplant
  2. a grape
  3. a lime
  4. a zucchini
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am green on the inside. I am brown on the outside.

What am I?
  1. an avocado
  2. a banana
  3. a kiwi
  4. an orange
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
I visit the animals at the                .
  1. zoo
  2. pool
  3. table
  4. car
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am a citrus fruit. I am green.

What am I?
  1. kiwi
  2. lemon
  3. lime
  4. orange
Kindergarten Context Clues
I come in many types. Those types include cantaloupe and honeydew.

What am I?
  1. asparagus
  2. beets
  3. melon
  4. peppers
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am similar to a peach. I have shiny skin.

What am I?
  1. apple
  2. nectarine
  3. pear
  4. plum
Kindergarten Context Clues
I am long. I am green. I grow in a garden.

What am I?
  1. broccoli
  2. lettuce
  3. lime
  4. zucchini
Kindergarten Context Clues
I have spikes on the outside. I am yellow in the middle.

What am I?
  1. an avocado
  2. a banana
  3. a kiwi
  4. a watermelon
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
We                 on chairs.
  1. walk
  2. sit
  3. play
  4. hug
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
I kick the                .
  1. piano
  2. ball
  3. cookie
  4. milk
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
We                 the people we love.
  1. sit
  2. play
  3. hug
  4. walk
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
I play with my                .
  1. bread
  2. toys
  3. shoes
  4. apples
Kindergarten Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.K.1b
We                 on trampolines.
  1. walk
  2. sit
  3. jump
  4. hug
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