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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Cause and Effect Questions

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Grade 8 Cause and Effect

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Grade 8 Cause and Effect

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Based on the article, what is most likely to cause inflation?
  1. a rise in prices due to a retailer's desire to become wealthier
  2. a rise in prices due to a high demand for and low supply of a product
  3. a decrease in prices due to a lack of money being produced
  4. a decrease in prices due to a retailer's overabundance of a particular product
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.8.3, RI.8.3
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.8.5

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Which organizational pattern did the author use for this passage?
  1. cause and effect
  2. sequential order
  3. compare/contrast
  4. description
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3, RST.6-8.1

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According to the passage, what causes the moon to turn red?
  1. light reflecting from the sun's surface
  2. a jaguar eating the moon
  3. a change in the moon's chemical composition
  4. passing through the Earth's shadow
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.8.5

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The passage above uses its text structure?
  1. to give comparisons of Labor Day celebrations.
  2. to describe how people celebrate Labor Day.
  3. to give a history of the Labor Day holiday.
  4. to show the effect of Labor Day on the country.
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3
What is the reason it is not polite to blow on your food?
  1. It spreads germs around the table.
  2. It makes others uncomfortable.
  3. It shows you are greedy and impatient.
  4. It makes your food too cold to eat.
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3

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What is the reason it is not polite to blow on your food?
  1. It spreads germs around the table.
  2. It makes others uncomfortable.
  3. It shows you are greedy and impatient.
  4. It makes your food too cold to eat.
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.8.1

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Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3, RH.6-8.3

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According to the passage, self-government is the reason that...
  1. power remains with the people.
  2. the country has high voter turnout.
  3. so many people apply to become citizens.
  4. there are so many candidates in each election.
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3

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Based on this passage, which of the following caused Katharine Cook Briggs to begin researching personality types?
  1. her observation of personality differences
  2. the publication of Psychological Types in 1923
  3. her interest in research conducted by her daughter
  4. the request of her future son-in-law
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3, RH.6-8.3

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How can citizens help their communities get necessary improvements?
  1. Serve on juries
  2. Enlist in the armed forces
  3. Volunteer their services
  4. Research local nominees
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3

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Based on the information in this passage, what has caused an increase in pollution in the Nile River?
  1. the use of chemical fertilizers
  2. the destruction of cultural sites
  3. the increase in salt in the water
  4. the generation of electricity
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.8.8, RST.6-8.8

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What was the main purpose of including the statistics about text-related accidents and fatalities?
  1. To point out how many young people text while they are driving
  2. To explain why all ages are guilty of using their phones in the car
  3. To show how closely the impact of texting on driving is researched
  4. To demonstrate the huge risk involved with texting behind the wheel
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.8.3

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Which detail from Tom's life most helped lead him to the gates of the palace?
  1. His father's drunkenness
  2. His family's poverty
  3. His strong desire to meet a prince
  4. His history of begging for food and money
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3, RST.6-8.3

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What is the main reason people continue to text while driving?
  1. They are not aware texting is as dangerous as it is.
  2. They have to stay in close contact with work and family.
  3. They have hands-free cell phones and know they are safe to use.
  4. They do not believe they take their eyes off of the road when texting.
Grade 8 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.8.3, RH.6-8.3

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What do Americans have to do in order to have a voice in government?
  1. Run for office
  2. Vote in elections
  3. Become a citizen
  4. Volunteer for service
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