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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Cause and Effect Questions

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Grade 4 Cause and Effect
A                 is why something happened.
  1. cause
  2. effect
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
Read the following and then choose the cause.
Nina overslept this morning. When she arrived at school, she remembered that she had forgotten her reading book on her desk at home
  1. Nina was tired.
  2. Nina overslept this morning.
  3. Nina forgot her book at school.
  4. Nina forgot her book on her desk.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
Michael and Jorge were at the bus stop very early. After about an hour, the bus did not come. They wondered where all the other kids were that morning. Soon they decided to return home.

What was the most likely cause that the bus never arrived?
  1. Michael and Jorge had the measles.
  2. All the other kids were sick.
  3. Michael and Jorge had forgotten that it was a holiday.
  4. The bus broke down.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Select the most likely CAUSE for the following EFFECT:

Steven cut his finger.
  1. Outside Steven walked around.
  2. In the house Steven ate pizza.
  3. Yesterday Steven ran.
  4. Steven picked up broken glass.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
Select best possible effect for this cause:

Mark lost his key.
  1. He will be home late.
  2. He will not be able to unlock the door.
  3. He will buy a snack.
  4. He will get a haircut.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
David Green is a man who works at a zoo. He helps train the animals for shows. He mostly works with chimps, tigers, and lions. He is a great trainer. David was working with a tiger to teach it how to jump through a ring of fire. Two days later the tiger learned how to jump trough a ring of fire. David was finished, so he was going to put the tiger into its cage. David forgot to lock the gate, so the tiger got out.

What was the cause of the tiger getting out?
  1. David forgot to lock the gate.
  2. The tiger jumped out.
  3. The lock broke.
  4. The tiger got out.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.4.1
Which animal is about three feet long, has a twelve inch tail, and black and white fur? The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial that gives live birth to its babies. The baby is placed in a pouch to grow up. It takes about fifteen to sixteen weeks for the baby to get enough of its mother's milk to be able to leave the pouch.

Why can't the Tasmanian devil leave the pouch too early?
  1. It needs to be protected by its mother.
  2. A cord connects the Tasmanian devil to its mother.
  3. There is a strong bond between the mom and the young Tasmanian devil.
  4. It needs its mother's milk.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
Tammy was in her backyard climbing a tree. She climbed to the middle part of the tree and accidentally hit a bees' nest. Before she knew what had happened, bees were swarming all around and over her. Tammy let out a yell.

What do you think was the effect of Tammy hitting the nest?
  1. Bees stung her.
  2. The nest fell.
  3. Some of the bees died.
  4. The bees made honey.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.4.1
Frank Jones loves going fishing. One Saturday afternoon, he went fishing and caught a humongous fish. However, the fish got away because Frank hadn't tied the string tight enough and it broke.

What was the cause of the fish getting away?
  1. The string wasn't tight enough and it broke.
  2. The hook broke.
  3. A screw came out of the rod.
  4. The fish got away
  5. Nina had the worst day of her life
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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Why did Johnnie take the cakes to church?
  1. He wanted to feed the mice.
  2. He was worried someone else would eat them.
  3. He thought he might get hungry during the service.
  4. He wanted to take them to the potluck that afternoon.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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How does the white fur help polar bears?
  1. It makes them cooler.
  2. It attracts mates.
  3. It helps provide camouflage.
  4. It gives them more energy.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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How did the cakes get on the floor?
  1. Johnnie tried to hide them.
  2. Johnnie wanted to feed them to the mice.
  3. They fell out when the offering came around.
  4. His father asked Johnnie to spit them out during the sermon.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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What causes a polar bear's fur to look white?
  1. its hollow tubes
  2. the reflection of the sun
  3. the snow in its habitat
  4. the proteins in seal fat
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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Why did Johnnie have to go to church every Sunday?
  1. His father was the pastor.
  2. His grandmother made him.
  3. His mother signed him up for the choir.
  4. His parents wanted him to behave better.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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Why do polar bears move north in the spring?
  1. to follow the ice
  2. to find warmer weather
  3. to catch food to eat
  4. to find a mate
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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What effect does melting ice have on polar bears?
  1. It makes it hard for them to stay alive.
  2. It makes it easier for them to find food.
  3. It makes them warmer in the winter.
  4. It makes their journey north easier.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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What is the effect of diving for disobedient dogs?
  1. They become more disobedient.
  2. They learn how to obey commands.
  3. They get all wet.
  4. They are worn out.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Peyton went to the mall with her mom. When they got to the counter to pay for their clothes they realized they lost their money. What could be an effect?

Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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The polar bear only eats the fat and blubber of a seal. How does this help other animals?
  1. It means they are safe from polar bears.
  2. It provides them with food to eat.
  3. It helps them keep warm in the cold.
  4. It gives them protection from seals.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Which group of words are signal words for cause and effect?
  1. first, last, then, finally
  2. above, below, under, next
  3. last, finally, and then, once
  4. since, so, because, due to the fact
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