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Apostrophes Questions - All Grades

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Grade 2 Apostrophes CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.2.2, L.2.2c
Choose the correct place for the apostrophe in the following sentence from the choices below.

The dog ate its bone but wont eat its biscuits.
  1. The dog ate it's bone but wont eat its biscuits.
  2. The dog ate its bone but won't eat its biscuits.
  3. The dog ate its bone but wont eat it's biscuits.
  4. The dog ate it's bone but wont eat it's biscuits.
Grade 2 Apostrophes CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.2.2, L.2.2c
Which sentence is written correctly?
  1. Susan's basket was full.
  2. Susans' basket was full.
  3. Susans basket was full.
  4. Susan's basket was full
Continuing Education Apostrophes
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
  1. It's Amy's car, so let her decide where we're going.
  2. Its Amy's car, so let her decide where were going.
  3. It's Amys car, so let her decide where we're going.
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. Alisons dog can do tricks.
  2. Alison's dog can do tricks.
  3. Alisons' dog can do tricks.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
Which sentence uses apostrophes correctly?
  1. Daves' bike is green.
  2. Stan's birthday is next week.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
Which sentence uses apostrophes correctly?
  1. Soap do'esnt allow germs to multiply and spread.
  2. Follow the doctor's advice and you won't get sick this year.
Grade 2 Apostrophes CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.2.2
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. It will be new year's eve soon.
  2. It will be New year's eve soon.
  3. It will be New Year's eve soon.
  4. It will be New Year's Eve soon.
Grade 2 Apostrophes CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.2.2, L.2.2c
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. Alisons dog can do tricks.
  2. Alison's dog can do tricks.
  3. Alisons' dog can do tricks.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
Which sentence uses apostrophes correctly?
  1. The doctor says to wash one's hands with soap and water several times each day.
  2. This wo'nt let germs transfer from one person to another.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
What is the apostrophe doing in this sentence?

I think my cat's meow can be heard from space.
  1. The apostrophe shows the meow belongs to the cat.
  2. The apostrophe is shortening cat is.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
What is the apostrophe doing in this sentence?

Adannaya's going to win the race for student body President.
  1. The apostrophe is shortening Adannaya is.
  2. The apostrophe shows the race belongs to Adannaya.
Grade 4 Apostrophes
Choose the correct way to fix the sentence below.

i did'nt go to the store
  1. I didn't go to the store.
  2. i didn't go to the store.
  3. I didn't go to the store
  4. i did'nt go to the store.
Grade 6 Apostrophes
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