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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Ancient History Questions

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Grade 10 Roman Empire
On what day was Julius Caesar assassinated?
  1. Ides of March
  2. Nones of June
  3. Fasti of August
  4. Kalends of December
Grade 10 Ancient History
Grade 10 Greece
The founders of Sparta belonged to which culture?
  1. Dorian
  2. Trojan
  3. Minoan
  4. Mycenaean
Grade 10 Ancient History
What was the name of the series of wars with Carthage?
  1. Pyrrhic War
  2. Punic Wars
  3. Parthian War
  4. Peloponnesian War
Grade 10 Greece
In ancient Sparta, which activity was a defining feature of citizenship for men?
  1. Financial contribution to public-works projects.
  2. Attendance at religious ceremonies.
  3. Participation in public assemblies.
  4. Membership in the military.
Grade 10 Egypt
Who was the Egyptian god of the underworld?
  1. Nourish
  2. Osiris
  3. Isis
  4. Nefertiti
Grade 10 Egypt
Which of the following was an achievement of the Middle Kingdom?
  1. The Egyptians drained land for farming.
  2. The Egyptians built the pyramids.
  3. Ramses II expanded Egyptian rule to Syria.
  4. The Egyptian empire reached the Euphrates.
Grade 10 Roman Empire
Christianity was a threat to Roman rulers because
  1. Jesus preached against Roman rule.
  2. Christians refused to worship Roman gods.
  3. Christians tried to overthrow Nero.
  4. Romans were considered heretics.
Grade 10 Roman Empire
Who led a Roman slave revolt in 71 BCE?
  1. Pompey
  2. Plutarch
  3. Spartacus
  4. Maximus Decimus Meridius
Grade 10 Ancient India

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One of the great achievements of the Indus Valley civilization was
  1. its sophisticated plumbing and sewage system.
  2. the invention of the chariot.
  3. iron technology.
  4. its number system.
Grade 10 Ancient History
Grade 10 Roman Empire
Which emperor began construction of the Colosseum?
  1. Tiberius
  2. Vespasian
  3. Commodus
  4. Septimius Severus
Grade 10 Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia was located between which 2 rivers?
  1. Tigris and Euphrates
  2. Tigris and Nile
  3. Nile and Euphrates
  4. Euphrates and Egypt
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