Question Info

This question is public and is used in 66 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Collecting and Interpreting Data
Level: Grade 7
Standards: 7.SP.A.2
Tags: 7.SP.A.2
Author: AaronBeaudoin
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Collecting and Interpreting Data Question

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Grade 7 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 7.SP.A.2

A cookie making company is trying to found out which of their cookies is the favorite among their 920 known customers. 80 customers are selected at random and asked which type of cookie they prefer, and this process is repeated 3 times. If 36 of the customers preferred mint cookies during the first sample, 33 preferred mint during the second sample, and 37 preferred them during the third, what is the most accurate estimate to how many of the company's customer's favorite cookie is mint?
  1. About 414 of the customers
  2. About 406 of the customers
  3. About 380 of the customers
  4. About 426 of the customers