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Search Results for wright - All Grades

29 questions match "wright". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 Modern Era
The person was one of the best known architects in the world.
  1. Jonathan Hampton
  2. Frank Lloyd Wright
  3. Henry Ford
  4. Frederick Lincoln Wright
Grade 4 Frequently Confused Words
Grade 3 Industrialization
Grade 5 Modern Era
Grade 3 Industrialization
Who built the first airplane?
  1. Allan Lockheed
  2. Gustave Whitehead
  3. The Wright Brothers
Grade 11 Native Son CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.11-12.2
This novel would be considered a...
  1. Bildungsroman
  2. Protest piece
  3. Fictional novel
  4. Autobiography
Grade 4 Industrialization
Mark 3 things that are true about Orville and Wilbur Wright.
  1. They loved building things together since they were children.
  2. They owned a car shop together.
  3. They wanted to build a glider that could be controlled well.
  4. They were the first people to have a plane take off under its own power, fly through the air, and land under the control of a pilot.
  5. They had no other interests besides flying.
Grade 11 Industrialization
Who invented the airplane?
  1. Henry Bessemer
  2. Superman
  3. Wright Brothers
  4. J.P. Morgan
Grade 5 US History
Which business leader founded Standard Oil Company?
  1. Orville Wright
  2. Andrew Carnegie
  3. John D. Rockefeller
  4. Thomas Edison
Grade 10 Drawing
This modern artist is known for creating fantastic, imaginary worlds and tesselations:
  1. Salvador Dali
  2. MC Escher
  3. Frank Lloyd Wright
  4. Vincent Van Gogh
Grade 5 Industrialization
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