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Search Results for whole - All Grades

724 questions match "whole". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Fractions and Ratios
Which of the following is not a type of ratio?
  1. Part to Part
  2. Part to Whole
  3. Whole to Part
  4. Whole to Whole
Kindergarten Musical Notation
Grade 9 Musical Notation
Name this symbol:
Octuple Whole Note
  1. Neutral Clef
  2. Whole Note
  3. Empty Whole Note
  4. Octuple Whole Note
Grade 4 Mixed Numbers
How would you write the following mixed number as words?

  1. 5 wholes 9 sixths
  2. 6 wholes 5 ninths
  3. 6 wholes 9 fifths
  4. 9 wholes 6 sixths
Kindergarten Musical Notation
Which one has more beats?
  1. Quarter Note Quarter Note
  2. Whole Note Whole Note
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