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Search Results for sequence - All Grades

539 questions match "sequence". Refine Your Search

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Grade 9 Sequences and Series
Each number in a sequence.
  1. Sequence
  2. Term
  3. Arithmetic Sequence
Grade 7 Story Elements
The sequence of a story, or order in which things occur.
  1. Sequence of events
  2. Plot Sequence
  3. Exposition
  4. Summary
Grade 7 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Punnett squares show the possible                       of offspring.
  1. genotypes
  2. number of chromosomes
  3. DNA sequence
  4. letters of a sequence
Grade 7 Story Elements
Grade 9 Stars

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Grade 7 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A trait is determined by more than two alleles when                       occurs.
  1. DNA sequencing
  2. a single phenotype
  3. hereditary sequencing
  4. polygenic inheritance
Grade 10 Periodic Table and Elements
The properties of the chemical elements in the periodic table occur in                       .
  1. repeating patterns
  2. descending sequence
  3. no discernible pattern
  4. ascending sequence
Grade 4 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Grade 9 Stars

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Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Which technique takes advantage of repeated DNA sequences that do not code for proteins?
  1. DNA fingerprinting
  2. DNA sequencing
  3. genetic engineering
  4. rapid sequencing
Grade 9 Patterns
Grade 5 Defining Words
Grade 8 Story Elements
Grade 5 Defining Words
College DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Which of the following is the best definition of a gene?
  1. DNA sequence that codes for a protein
  2. DNA sequence that can be transcribed into RNA
  3. A and B
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
The process of copying a gene's DNA sequence into a sequence of RNA is
  1. replication.
  2. transcription.
  3. translation.
  4. PCR.
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What is a mutagen?
  1. a random change in the genetic sequence
  2. a chemical or physical agent that causes a change in the genetic sequence
  3. a method of manipulating DNA to make a change in the genetic sequence
  4. a heritable factor that causes a large change in the genetic sequence
Grade 3 Sequence of Events
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 3 Sequence of Events CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.3.5
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