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Search Results for nomenclature - All Grades

46 questions match "nomenclature". Refine Your Search

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Grade 10 Taxonomy
The two-part system used to name organisms is called                      .
  1. dual identification
  2. double nomenclature
  3. Linnaean nomenclature
  4. binomial nomenclature
Grade 10 Vocabulary
  1. a statue of a famous person
  2. a group of government officials
  3. a part of a building
  4. a systematic naming of an art or science
Grade 7 Taxonomy
The system of naming organisms developed by Carolus Linnaeus is
  1. binomial nomenclature.
  2. taxonomy.
  3. dichotomous nomenclature.
  4. classification.
Grade 9 Taxonomy
In binomial nomenclature,
  1. the first word identifies the color of the organism, and the second word tells where the organism is usually found.
  2. the first word identifies the organism's genus, and the second word describes a feature of the organism or place where it was found.
  3. the first word tells where the organism lives, and the second word tells who originally found the organism.
  4. the first and second word both identify important characteristics of the organism.
Grade 7 Taxonomy
What is binomial nomenclature?
  1. two-part naming system made by Aristotle
  2. three-part naming system developed by Linnaeus
  3. two-part naming system made by Linnaeus
  4. naming system developed by Darwin
Grade 7 Taxonomy
Grade 7 Taxonomy
Grade 8 Taxonomy
Grade 7 Biology
                      is a trait of all living things.
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Homeostasis
  3. Binomial nomenclature
  4. Digestion
Grade 11 Molecules and Compounds
What is a compound composed of carbon and hydrogen called?
  1. Diatomic Element
  2. -ide
  3. Hydrocarbon
  4. Chemical Nomenclature
Grade 9 Taxonomy
In binomial nomenclature, which of the two terms is capitalized?
  1. the first term only
  2. the second term only
  3. both the first and second terms
  4. neither the first nor the second term
Grade 11 Molecules and Compounds
What is the correct nomenclature for the following compound?
  1. Chlorine Oxide
  2. Chlorine Trioxide
  3. Chlorine Dioxide
  4. Dichlorine Oxide
Grade 12 Taxonomy
What two taxa are used for binomial nomenclature?
  1. kingdom and species
  2. genus and family
  3. genus and species
  4. phylum and species
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