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Search Results for music - All Grades

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Grade 8 Music History
Grade 8 Figurative Language
"The noise is music to my ears"

What two things are being compared?
  1. music and ears
  2. noise and music
  3. nothing is being compared
  4. A & B
Grade 8 Music History
                         replaced the Minstrel Shows.
  1. Musical revues
  2. Vaudeville
  3. American musical theater
  4. all of the above
College Romantic - 1830-1910
Grade 11 Baroque - 1600-1750
What is word painting?
  1. the art of writing alphabets
  2. musical pictorialization
  3. music mirrors the literal meaning of the word
  4. the word follows the line of the music
Grade 7 Musical Theater
The Music Man's book, music, and lyrics was written by:
  1. Willson Lacey
  2. Franklin Lacey
  3. Meredith Willson
  4. Meredith Lacey
Grade 4 Verbs CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.4.1, L.4.1c
Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

  1. Can you hear the music playing?
  2. May you hear the music playing?
  3. Might you hear the music playing?
  4. Must you hear the music playing?
Grade 3 Art and Music Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. music
  2. musyc
  3. mewsic
Grade 2 Defining Words
to know or get the meaning
  1. concert
  2. music
  3. understand
Grade 5 Art and Music Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. musical
  2. musickal
  3. mewsical
None English as a Second Language ESL
Grade 2 Social Studies
The flag stands for:
  1. people
  2. freedom
  3. music
Grade 2 Defining Words
a group of sounds that make songs
  1. concert
  2. music
  3. understand
Grade 7 Musical Terms
The speed of the music.
  1. tempo
  2. dynamics
  3. expression
  4. articulation
Grade 2 Musical Terms
A music round is a:
  1. pattern of tones that begins to repeat before the pattern is finished
  2. a piece of equipment on the playground
  3. one tone played over and over again
  4. a pattern of tones
Grade 7 Composers
Grade 4 Musical Terms
Musical form                                          .
  1. is the overall structure of a piece
  2. only deals with note values in a piece
  3. is the rhythm pattern in a piece of music
  4. has nothing to do with music at all
Grade 9 Renaissance - 1400-1600
Which of these was NOT one of the 4 characteristics of Renaissance music?
  1. Music based on modes.
  2. Music has richer text with 4< parts.
  3. Music has more volume, people, excitement.
  4. Music has greater concern to Melody/Harmony/Chords.
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