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Search Results for chart - All Grades

192 questions match "chart". Refine Your Search

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Grade 3 Lab Practices and Tools
Grade 7 Writing
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
Which of the following is NOT a note taking strategy?
  1. Outline
  2. Cornell
  3. Graphing
  4. Charting
  5. Mind Mapping
Grade 3 Writing Fiction CCSS: CCRA.W.3, W.3.3a, W.4.3a, W.5.3a
What pre-writing strategy can help make sure your story stays organized?
  1. brainstorm
  2. free write
  3. storyboarding
  4. KWL chart
None Medical Practices
Grade 9 Identifying Genre
Grade 9 Rocks

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According to the chart, diorite and andesite differ in
  1. density and texture.
  2. composition and density.
  3. texture and formation environment.
  4. formation environment and composition.
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
Comparison charts are the MOST helpful/useful for..
  1. Showing the relationship between general and specific ideas in a visual format
  2. Tracing a sequence of events or stages of development through time
  3. Organizing information by categories to compare their similarities and differences
  4. Listing details under a main idea to show their relationships
  5. Depict steps or stages of processes in a visual format
  6. Arrange details around a certain point to show their relationships
Grade 7 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What does a pedigree chart show?
  1. genotypic ratios of the offspring
  2. types of gametes produced by the parents
  3. pattern of inheritance of a specific gene
  4. which genes are co-dominant
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 7 Modern Europe
Grade 7 Text Elements
What text features do readers use to further understand a passage?
  1. Captions, headings, words, subheadings
  2. Photos, captions, main idea, title
  3. Charts, headings, author's name, photos
  4. Title, headings, captions, charts
Grade 7 Circle Graphs
This type of chart is used to show parts of a whole.
  1. Line Graph
  2. Pie Chart
  3. Scatter Plot
  4. Bar Graph
None Social Studies
The first step in analyzing a chart, diagram or graph is                  .
  1. read the title
  2. look at the y axis
  3. look at the x axis
  4. put on your socks
Grade 8 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Who developed a chart to make genetic predictions?
  1. Reginald Punnett
  2. Charles Darwin
  3. Alfred Wegener
  4. Gregor Mendel
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
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