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Search Results for earthquakes - All Grades

452 questions match "earthquakes". Refine Your Search

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Grade 8 Tectonics
Grade 4 Spelling
Choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. earthqwake
  2. eartquake
  3. earthquake
  4. earthquak
Grade 6 Tectonics
A small earthquake tremor that follows a major earthquake.
  1. liquefaction
  2. volcano
  3. aftershock
  4. geyser
  5. tsunami
  6. faulting
Grade 7 Tectonics
The epicenter of an earthquake is
  1. the location that emergency support workers meet during an earthquake.
  2. the size of an earthquake.
  3. the point on Earth's surface above where an earthquake occurs.
  4. the center of an earthquake.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Strong winds can result in natural hazards. Which two natural hazards listed result from strong winds?
  1. tornadoes and tsunamis
  2. hurricanes and tornadoes
  3. tsunamis and earthquakes
  4. earthquakes and hurricanes
Grade 5 Tectonics
Grade 9 Tectonics
Grade 2 STEM Words CCSS: RF.2.3a, RF.2.3f
Grade 5 Tectonics
Earthquakes are caused by
  1. the moving pieces of Earth's crust.
  2. too much weight on Earth's surface.
  3. the rising of ocean water levels.
  4. unequal heating of the atmosphere.
Grade 12 Tectonics
Long term earthquake predictions are best at predicting
  1. where an earthquake is likely to occur.
  2. how much damage the next earthquake will cause.
  3. when the next earthquake will occur.
  4. how long the next earthquake will last.
Grade 9 Tectonics
Long term earthquake predictions are mainly based on what?
  1. where an earthquake is likely to occur
  2. how much damage the next earthquake will cause
  3. when the next earthquake will occur
  4. how long the next earthquake will last
Grade 8 Tectonics
Grade 2 Tectonics
What is an earthquake?
  1. wind or moving water
  2. a shaking of Earth's surface
  3. a place where lava comes from
  4. wind and water breakdown
Grade 12 Tectonics
In comparison to earthquakes at subduction zones, earthquakes at divergent boundaries tend to be                            .
  1. shallower and less intense.
  2. deeper and less intense.
  3. deeper and more intense.
  4. shallower and more intense.
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