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Search Results for dynamics - All Grades

163 questions match "dynamics". Refine Your Search

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Continuing Education Medical Terms
  1. power
  2. therm
  3. change
  4. machine
Grade 11 Musical Terms
Terraced dynamics are:
  1. gradual changes of dynamics in a song.
  2. sudden changes of dynamics in a song.
  3. no dynamics in a song.
  4. no changes in dynamics in a song.
Continuing Education Musical Terms
Grade 6 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
A dynamic character is:
  1. A struggle between opposing characters or opposing forces
  2. A character that does not change much in the course of a story
  3. A character that does change in the course of a story
  4. The vantage point from which a story is told
Grade 8 Context Clues CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.8.4, RST.6-8.4

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The author describes the sun as a dynamic structure. DYNAMIC means:
  1. positive in energy and attitude.
  2. full of constant change or activity.
  3. a large range of sound.
  4. very simple in shape.
Grade 9 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty's character is both:
  1. round and dynamic
  2. flat and dynamic
  3. round and static
Grade 5 Musical Terms
Grade 8 Character Study
A superhero would be which type of character?
  1. flat/round
  2. flat/static
  3. flat/dynamic
  4. static/dynamic
Grade 8 A Christmas Carol
What type of character is Scrooge?
  1. dynamic/flat
  2. static/flat
  3. dynamic/round
  4. static/round
Grade 6 Summer of my German Soldier
What type of character is Annemarie?
  1. flat/dynamic
  2. flat/static
  3. round/dynamic
  4. round/static
Continuing Education Medical Terms
  1. dynam
  2. an
  3. sym
  4. neo
Grade 9 Musical Notation
Grade 9 Fitness
A                           will prepare the body for a dynamic workout.
  1. passive stretching routine
  2. dynamic warm up
  3. one mile jog
  4. snickers bar
Grade 3 Musical Notation
Dynamics in music tell us:
  1. how fast or slow to play/sing
  2. how loud or soft to play/sing
  3. to play a solo
Grade 2 Musical Notation
Grade 6 Musical Notation
The dynamic symbol "mp" means:
  1. very loud
  2. soft
  3. medium loud
  4. medium soft
Grade 8 Fitness
Which is NOT an example of a dynamic stretch
  1. arm circles
  2. trunk twists
  3. butterfly position
  4. leg swings
Grade 6 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
What type of character is Batman?
  1. Antagonist
  2. Protagonist
  3. dynamic
  4. static
Grade 12 Character Study
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