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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) US Laws and Amendments Questions

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Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
The first amendment to the Constitution allows Americans the right to
  1. bear arms
  2. plead the fifth
  3. speedy trial
  4. free speech
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
The U.S. Constitution
  1. sets limits within which our government operates
  2. grants it's citizens freedom
  3. provides for a limited monarchy
  4. can never be changed
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
A type of government in which the people directly vote on laws for themselves it usually moves slower than a representative democracy
  1. Direct Democracy
  2. Representative Democracy
  3. Presidential Democracy
  4. Parliamentary Democracy
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
A person pleading the fifth is protecting himself from
  1. the government taking away property without compensation.
  2. restrictions to what he can say.
  3. saying something that might incriminate him.
  4. being put on trail without a jury.
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Which of the following is a deliberate and premeditated killing of a person?
  1. 1st Degree Murder
  2. 2nd Degree Murder
  3. Felony Murder
  4. Voluntary Manslaughter
  5. Involuntary Manslaughter
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
A centralized system in which all powers of government belong to a single central agency.
  1. Presidential Democracy
  2. Unitary
  3. Confederate
  4. Representative Democracy
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
What was the last amendment added to the Constitution?
  1. Made the voting age 18
  2. Granted women the right to vote
  3. Prevents the government from inflicting cruel and unusual punishment
  4. Ban on midterm congressional pay raises
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
What are criticisms of the Patriot Act?
  1. racial discrimination
  2. an invasion of civil liberties/ privacy
  3. gender inequality
  4. it was used to put our national security in danger
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
What constitutional clause allows people of one State to travel to another State without a special passport?
  1. Necessary and Proper Clause
  2. Full Faith and Credit Clause
  3. Supremacy Clause
  4. Privileges and Immunities Clause
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Which one below is an example of the impact of political change brought about by an individual?
  1. Prohibition
  2. Political action committees
  3. The Brady Bill
  4. McCarthyism
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